A Simple Ways that Make A Big Difference Helping Others

We rise by lifting others - Robert Ingersoll

When I was searching for inspiring videos I came across this clip above which captures my attention. Sad but true our world we live in classified in two, The Rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

I really disagree this kind of Philosophy, since no one is born poor all of us have the gift of life that God given to us, the knowledge and understanding that will bring us to the top if we just work it hard, learn more, practice and Believe in yourself.

I love the way this video is made, a great clip to show our kids the good values that will never taken for granted. We all are human beings, and we are all equal to the eyes of the beholder, nobody is above or below.

We can restore faith in humanity, let us show love and respect each others, appreciate life, share and do good things, never stop believing, help those in need, and above all fear God. 

All I can say is that there is way to have a better life just trust your instinct do the very best to achieve your dreams and ambitions in life.

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