How Can You Become A Good Father to your Child A Heart Touching Story

Unless you have children, you have no idea what it's like to ride this crazy roller coaster we call FATHERHOOD - all the ups and downs, joy and excitement, pain and sorrow, and sleepless nights.

But, if you're anything like me, you want your children to HAVE more, DO more, and BE more. I don't have it all figured out and I'm learning along the way like you are but here are 10 steps to becoming a better father.

Special occasions are markers in life. They cause us to pause and remember. Holidays are times for family to gather and step out of the every-day. With graduation of retirement, we take time to mark accomplishments and milestones.
We give honor and acknowledge the dawning of a new era. Weddings, birthdays, and showers allow us to share in the joy of life’s adventures: a marriage, a new year, a new life.

A recently married woman cited some advice that she received regarding her wedding: “ Take in your special day with all five senses. Don’t let any part of the magic slip past you.” Make a difference in your life and the lives of others by refusing to let the busyness of the occasion keep you from truly living them. Will yourself to savor every moment!. Celebrations are the wellsprings of life

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