Prayer to the Holy Spirit (to obtain graces through the intercession of Blessed Elena Guerra)

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O. Loving and Divine Spirit, you have abundantly endowed Blessed Elena with Your Gifts and has entrusted to her the message of a Perennial Renewal of Pentecost.

For her docility to your grace and fidelity to the mission entrusted to her, we pray You, to render her even in our time a real witness of your Love.

Listen to the Prayers she offers in our behalf and graciously grant us the grace we ask of you... O God Consoler, revive our faith and our hope so that we may proceed serenely on our way towards our final encounter with You Amen.

Blessed Elena. Pray for us.

Blessed Elena Guerra Biography

Blessed Elena Guerra (23 June 1835 – 11 April 1914) was an Italian Roman Catholic nun who established the Oblates of the Holy Spirit. She dedicated her life to the educational of girls.

She was beatified on 26 April 1959 after the recognition of a miracle attributed to her intercession. One final miracle is needed before she can be canonized.

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