Do you agree Why Nice People Are Scary

How does the saying "Why nice people are scary" do you think ? or do you agree with it? Watched this clip.  

When it comes to our love lives, it's natural to think that we'd ideally want to get together with someone 'nice'. But in reality, nice people can be a very frightening prospect - especially if we don't like ourselves much.

Looking at the video the guy basically put all the effort into the relationship while the girl sat around and thought about herself. If we really do live in an equal society that glorifies romanticism then it would make sense that both groups put out effort

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. -Matthew 7:12 ESV 

What I mean base on our society. I thought nice people don't seem very liked because they are perceived as "always available" or "not gonna leave" or they are sometimes perceived as weak, so people subconsciously don't give them too much value.

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