You're Kindness Will Be The Passport to Heaven

"The very nature of kindness Is to spread. If you are kind to others, Today they will be kind to you, And tomorrow to somebody else."

We encounter so many people throughout  our lives, mostly we don't know or we know them. Some may hurt us others will do the opposite. Needless to say our society is classified in two kinds of standards, the rich and the less fortunate, the rich become richer and the less fortunate remains the same. In fact as I observed that even the less fortunate are more happier and healthier than rich. 

How wonderful to express, in specific terms, that you noticed and appreciated someone's effort on your behalf. it's a small courtesy that too often is lost in our fast-paced society and one that can make a big difference in the lives of loved ones and strangers alike.

Hearing the words "thank you" can restore the joy of serving and ward of cynicism and resentment. Speaking them can guard the heart against arrogance and engender an ongoing appreciation for others.

Never let an opportunity to say "thank you" pass you by. Careful attention to those simple words will strengthen your relationships, open doors of opportunity, and help you appreciate the richness is one of the most important habits you can develop and all it takes is a little attention to what is going on around you and practice, practice, practice.

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