We're Not Here Just To Exist or Consumed Resources We Are Here for A Reason

Being HUMBLE is much more important than being WISE! Because GOD doesn't need a PROUD mouth that SPEAKS much. But a KIND heart that LISTENS.-
by: Marie~Baby

Life is all about learning! Learning about the little things! Learning from all your mistakes! Learning about those that you thought would have your back but turned out they didn't! Learning about the people that you pushed aside only to realize that they are the ones that would always be there for you.

Life is about falling but knowing when to get back up and fight! Fight for what you believe in! Fight for your dreams! Let go of negative people and surround yourself with only positive people and just watch how your life changes around you! Practice kindness. Smile lots. Love deeply! Love yourself.

The world is perfect enough for life to exist, but don't just exist make your existence a big difference in the lives of others.

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