What it takes to be a Really Good Person

What it takes to be a Really Good Person

To live a meaningful life one needs to pursue something that is right, just and does not hurt others. Live your dream, share your passion. being good is not enough, being just and good to a right cause makes you the best version of yourself.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 ESV

A lot of the time, the parents I work with go like this, “These damn ungrateful kids! They don’t appreciate anything! You bend over backwards for them, and they don’t even say thank you.” 

Parenting is like an unthankful job, because, look, kids don’t understand what goes into it. And how can you blame them? Did you understand your parents when you were their age? If you do things expecting something out of it, you aren’t that great person you claim to be.

It takes the next step to do it expecting nothing in return. This is unconditional love, a selfless attitude.

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