A Very Powerful Affirmations that would surely change the way you think

Do you want to be more gentle kind compassionate considerate patient and loving? These subliminal affirmations use the power of your subconscious mind to transform your personality and the way you view others.

Listen to this video at least twice a day until you get your desired results. It usually takes an average of 21 days to 3 months to experience noticeable changes. Headphones are optional. Listen up to six times a day for fastest results.

These affirmations are so beautiful and filled with love, I am convinced that these will inspire so many people and help to make this world a better place. 

It will help you change the way you think life in perspective. Making you more happier, relax, calm and in peace.

Affirmations include -
I now choose to be gentle kind considerate and compassionate.
I radiate kindness gentleness compassion and understanding and inspire it in others.
My kindness always comes back to me three-fold.

I know that my kind words and deeds ripple through society, improving it.
My kindness gentleness and compassion have a beneficial impact on those around me.
I treat others with kindness and compassion and am treated with respect in return.
My kindness draws favor toward me.

I reap what I sow, and I choose to sow kindness compassion gentleness and consideration.
I model kindness compassion gentleness and peace and enjoy love and joy in return.
I know that kindness and compassion create abundance in my life.
I forgive myself and others and walk with kindness, compassion and abundant consideration for others.

I embody loving energy and express it in kindness consideration and compassion.
I open my heart to compassion and gain wisdom and peace in return.
I am filled with loving kindness and demonstrate these emotions to others.
I reach out to the lonely and isolated with compassion and kindness and bring healing and light to the world.

All that I give to others is returned to me three-fold.
I create and radiate the loving energy I wish to fill the world.
I am blessed with light and love and radiate kindness compassion and consideration to others.
I am a model of kindness compassion and consideration that others learn from.
I choose compassion over resentment and reap peace.
I choose kindness over anger and create a more peaceful life as a result.
I know that one small deed can change someone else’s life.
I respond with kindness and gentle but firm limits to create boundaries others respect.
I learn to understand love by practicing it.
I cultivate loving kindness in myself and others.
I am compassionate with myself and others.
I show myself the same love and compassion I show to others.

Everyone deserves to be loved and that includes myself.
I treat myself with compassion and kindness so that I can do the same with others.
I send compassionate thoughts to others, I share kind words with those around me, I deal gently with those in my life and benefit the world as a result.
My compassion and kindness open the door to healing and connection.
As I am considerate of others and in return they are considerate of me.

I express authentic compassion and demonstrate it for others.
I have compassion consideration and sensitivity to the needs of others.
I practice compassion kindness and consideration every day.
I am compassionate caring kind and understanding.
I forgive those around me and embrace them in compassion, and they do the same for me in return.
I now develop enhanced empathy to be more sensitive to the needs of those around me.
I naturally master my own emotions and have the internal strength and fortitude to help others as I help myself.

I am relaxed and calm about my life as I know everything will work out as it should.
I naturally manifest more compassion love and kindness in my life.
I naturally manifest serenity and peace and let my mind and emotions relax.
My natural thoughts are full of love compassion patience and kindness.
I love to think beautiful loving compassionate thoughts.
I am filled with patience and know that anything worthwhile is worth the time.
I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.

All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.
Plus all the affirmations as "you" and "your" statements.

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